

Set up requirements

  • All samples have allC files.
    • AllC file are tab-delimited.
    • They have the following columns
      • Chromosome
      • Position (1-indexed)
      • Strand (+ or -)
      • Context (3 bp sequence)
      • Number methylated reads
      • Number total reads
      • Is the position methylated? (1 for yes)
  • All of the allC files are named as “allc_samplename_chromosome.tsv”.
  • All of the allC files are in one directory.

Determining the correct parameters

  • Information coming soon


Step 1: Find informative cytosines

There should be two parent samples and need to determine which positions have different methylation. Assuming you have allC files, this is determine by comparing the final column of the allC file which says if the cytosine is methylated and positions which is methylated in one sample but not in the other are included.

Note that low-covered positions are considered “unmethylated”, so the coverage parameter is important to make sure positions are differentially methylated because there is differential methylation not due to lack of coverage.

In the sample_data folder, run find_mpos_diff_pe.py

python ../scripts/find_mpos_diff_pe.py -v=3 -c=Chr1 -o=sample-data allc_files \
mother-sample father-sample

This will create a file named sample-data_mpos_diff.tsv.

Note: If methylation data does not include the final column which determines if site is methylated, use a different criteria to determine which sites are differentially methylated between the samples. Put the results in a tab-delimited file with two columns: chromosome and position. This file can use used in the next step instead of the output from find_mpos_diff_pe.py.

Step 1.5: Filter by feature type [optional]

For samples such as epiRILs, it’s important to filter cytosines by feature type, such as genes and/or gene-body methylated genes. Lists of gene-body methyalted genes can be found from Bewick et al. (2016). Positions could be filtered by other characteristics as well.

The script requires the position list to filter and a GFF file with gene annotation. It can also accept a gene subset list. If you don’t want to subset the genes, specificy na instead of subset file. By default, positions within the genes are included. Use -cds to only have positions in CDS regions.

The -v option selects opposite of genes/subset. If no gene subset is given -v gets all positions outside of genes/CDS. If gene subset is given, -v gets all positions of genes not in the subset list.

Data in not included but could be run. In the sample_data folder, run filter_pos_gene_subset.py

python ../scripts/filter_pos_gene_subset.py sample-data_mpos_diff.tsv <subset_file> <gff_file>

Output (sample-data_mpos_diff_subset_gene.tsv) would have all positions in of entire gene body of genes listed in subset file.

python ../scripts/filter_pos_gene_subset.py -v sample-data_mpos_diff.tsv na <gff_file>

Output (sample-data_mpos_diff_nongenes_gene.tsv) would have all non-genic positions.

Step 2: Methylation level of samples

Once we have the informative positions, we need the methylation level of all samples we want to analyze. Again, the coverage parameter is important to get an accurate methylation level at each position.

In the sample_data folder, run weighted_meth_by_pos_pe.py

python ../scripts/weighted_meth_by_pos_pe.py -v=3 sample-data_mpos_diff.tsv \
allc_files mother-sample father-sample F2-1 F2-2 F2-3 F2-4 F2-5

This will create a file named sample-data_wm_pos_Chr1.tsv.

Note: allC files used by this script do not need to contain the final “isMethylated” column. They must follow the same naming convention and have the following columns: chromosome, position, strand, 3-bp sequence context, methylated read count, total read count.

Step 3: Epigenotyping

The main input for epigenotyping is the output of weighted_meth_by_pos_pe.py.

This is the main script. It accepts several parameters. Defaults were chosen for the paper but will need to be updated depending on species, filial generation, coverage, ect.

In the sample_data folder, run epigenotyping_pe_v1.7.3.py

python ../scripts/epigenotyping_pe_v1.7.3.py -g=2 -b=50kb -c=3 -t=3300kb,6300kb \
-m=mother-sample -f=father-sample sample-data_wm_pos_Chr1.tsv

This will create a file name sample-data_epigenotype-v1.7.3_50kbp_g-2_Chr1_cb-3_both.tsv

Step 4: Graphing

Information coming soon.

Step 5: Finding crossovers

Once you have an epigenotype map, you can get approximate crossover locations and number of crossovers.

In the sample_data folder, run find_crossovers.py

python ../scripts/find_crossovers.py sample-data_epigenotype-v1.7.3_50kbp_g-2_Chr1_cb-3_both.tsv

This will create two files: sample-data_epigenotype-v1.7.3_50kbp_g-2_Chr1_cb-3_both_count.tsv (number of breakpoints per sample) and sample-data_epigenotype-v1.7.3_50kbp_g-2_Chr1_cb-3_both_pos.tsv (location of breakpoints)

SNP Verification

If SNP information is available, it is possible to use WGBS to to verify the epigenotype map.

Step 1: Samtools mPileup

This is require a BAM file of the mapped reads and a BED formatted file of SNP locations then running Samtools mpileup getting the reads at the SNP locations. Remember, BED files are 0-based and half-open (start position is included, end position not). If the SNP occurs at 1-based position x, the BEC file coordinates would be x-1, x.

samtools mpileup -l bed_file bam_file > out.txt

BAM files are not included in the sample data due to file size. Pileup files are available in sample_data/pileup_files.

Step 2: Decode pileup files

Samtools pileup files use non-obvious notation for the read-level nucleotides, so this script decodes the output into a user-friendly format.

If interested, . stands for a match to the reference on the forward strand, , for a match on the reverse strand, ACGTN for mismatch on forward strand, and acgtn for mismatch on reverse strand.

In sample_data, run decode_pileup_pe.py,

python ../scripts/decode_pileup_pe.py -o=snp-info pileup_files/F2-1_pileup.txt \
pileup_files/F2-2_pileup.txt pileup_files/F2-3_pileup.txt pileup_files/F2-4_pileup.txt \
pileup_files/F2-5_pileup.txt pileup_files/mother-sample_pileup.txt pileup_files/father-sample_pileup.txt

This will output snp-info_decoded_pileup.tsv.

The output file includes sample name, chromosome, position, and 8 columns “A,C,G,T,a,c,t,g”. “A,C,G,T” are forward strand reads and “a,c,g,t” are reverse strand reads. Number indicates number of reads supporting that nucleotide at the position.

Step 3: Determine genotype

With read information from all SNP positions, we can how genotype the samples. It determines which nucleotides are different between the mother and father sample and guesses genotype. Positions where mother and father are inditinguishable are reported as such.

For example, if the mother sample has reads supporting “A” and “c” and the father sample has reads supporting “A” and “g”, “c” and “g” will be used to determine genotype. Samples with only “c” reads will be called “mother”, samples with only “g” reads will be called “father”, and samples with “c” and “g” reads will be called “heterozygous”.

In the sample_data folder, run pileup_genotype_pe.py,

python ../scripts/pileup_genotype_pe.py -m=mother-sample -f=father-sample \

This creates output file snp-info_decode_pileup_genotyped.tsv.

Note: In the output file, do not use positions with have “NA” listed as the genotype for any of the samples. When one parent is genotyped “NA”, there was a distinguishable difference between the parents but one parent was incorrectly genotype (this can happen when one parent is heterozygous). Positions where one of the other samples is genotype “NA” indicates insufficient coverage at that position to determine genotype.

For the sample data, the first two SNPs are indistinguishable in the parents. The last SNP has multiple “NA” genotypes. The third SNP is the only useful position.

Real Data

This method was designed to epigenotype a group of F2 individuals from a cross of genetically identical plants.

For an in-depth description of the methods, see Methods.

To download the raw sequencing data and/or allC files for the mother, father, and F2 samples, see GEO accession GSE94298.

Samples Line 49-G24 - mother and Line 69-G20 - father were used as the mother and father samples, respectively. Samples Line49-G1 and Line 49-G2 were used as mother replicates when epigenotyping. Samples Line69-G1 and Line69-G2 were used as father replicates when epigenotyping. Twenty F2 samples, Line49x69 - F2-1 to Line49x69 - F2-20 are the F2 samples to be epigenotyped.

AllC files for select samples can be downloaded using “Custom Download”. custom download